
Coimbra University

It is the oldest Portuguese-speaking university and one of the oldest in the world. It was founded in 1290, by King D. Dinis, having then the name of Estudos Gerais. This is definitively established in Coimbra in 1537, during the reign of D. João III, settling in the current Paço das Escolas in 1544. With more than 730 years of history, the University of Coimbra is an unavoidable institution in the history of Portugal and from all over the world. It was considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June 2013, due to its unique tangible and intangible heritage, fundamental in the history of European and world scientific culture.

Old Cathedral

was founded during the reign of Afonso Henriques, beginning in the 12th century, under the guidance of Mestre Roberto. This Romanesque church, built in yellow limestone, consists of three naves, a protruding transept and a tripartite chevet. At the beginning of the 16th century, the execution of the Porta Especiosa, of a Renaissance character, whose authorship is attributed to the architect João de Ruão and the sculptor Nicolau Chanterenne. With a gilded altarpiece, in a flamboyant Gothic style, it was designed by the Flemings Olivier de Ghent and Jean d'Ypres. And in the side aisles, we have 16th-century Sevillian tiles that covered the pillars and aisles.

Monastery of Santa Cruz

is one of the oldest and most important monuments in Coimbra, founded in 1131 by the Canons Regular of Santo Agostinho and by D. Afonso Henriques. This was outside the walls that surrounded the city. National Pantheon since August 22, 2003, where you can see the tombs of the first two kings of Portugal, D. Afonso Henriques and D. Sancho I. The tomb chests, placed opposite each other, are framed by stone altarpieces, markedly Gothic end, but where the Manueline and Renaissance decoration prevail. The walls of the church's nave were decorated with white and blue tiles with biblical passages and, in the 18th century, a new baroque organ was installed.


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